Health Checks

The NHS provides a range of health checks throughout your life. Westfield Surgery fully supports this programme. The following checks are available to patients of the surgery:

  • 6 week check – making sure all is well with you and your new arrival
  • Childhood immunisations – a comprehensive programme to protect against common, serious infectious diseases
  • Contraceptive checks – ensuring your contraception continues to suit your age, your health needs, and your lifestyle
  • Cervical smears – helping to prevent cervical cancer, conducted at 3-yearly intervals from the age of 25 (not considered helpful under the age of 25)
  • Mammograms – helping to detect breast cancer at an earlier, more treatable stage, conducted at 3-yearly intervals between ages 50-70
  • Stool tests – helping to detect bowel cancer at an ealier, more treatable stage, conducted at 2-yearly intervals from age 60 onwards

Healthy Living

A thorough review of your lifestyle and risk factors including weight, blood pressure, smoking status, and cholesterol, helping you to keep yourself healthy, checks conducted between ages 40-74, at 5-yearly intervals (in addition, we are always pleased to see any patient of any age wanting advice or help with smoking cessation, sensible drinking, weight control, and regular exercise).

Specific diseases

In addition, the surgery offers specific annual (sometimes more frequently) checks to patients diagnosed with: Asthma, COPD, coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes, dementia, chronic kidney disease, hypertension, epilepsy, serious mental health problems (for example, schizophrenia or bipolar disorder), and learning disabilities.